Monday, 1 December 2008

Newsletter December 2008

Hello everyone

It’s been brought to my attention that the articles on the Self Healing Portal don’t print well at all. I apologise for not having found the time to address this, and suggest that anyone wanting to print the articles simply copies and pastes the particular article to MS Word or another programme to print from. It has also been brought to my attention that if anyone replies to the newsletters with feedback or questions, it doesn’t arrive in the Self Healing Portal inbox. So if you do want to write with any feedback or questions, please email them to me at Thanks.

We have four new articles this month on the Self Healing Portal:

I’m SO excited about the new me I’m experiencing By Arum

Arum’s article is an inspiring look at how we can do our healing with EFT even if we aren’t in the financial position to pay for ongoing support with a practitioner. Arum kindly shares her story and thoughts on how you can learn EFT for self healing and in doing so move mountains. Many thanks to Arum for taking the time to write up her story so others can be inspired and learn from it.

The Power of Proxy Tapping

I’ve written a few times lately about Silvia Hartmann’s proxy tapping. As I’ve seen some great results with it, I thought I’d document my thoughts a few months down the track from starting using it.

Inner Child Healing Resources

The inner child is basically a useful metaphor for enabling us to be able to heal childhood issues without the overwhelming us. Doing this sort of work can be very empowering and cut to the root of many of our current day issues. This article contains reflections and information about various resources that can help you with this sort of approach to healing.

Why do I have all these issues?

This short article gives an overview of and links to a fantastic interview able to listen to free of charge on the internet. It contains information that can really help us to understand why we have developed the issues that we have. While this understanding is not essential on our healing path, it can be helpful in giving us perspective about the path we are walking.

Season’s greetings and very best wishes,


Self Healing Portal

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Newsletter November 2008

Hello everyone

This month we have four new articles on the Self Healing Portal:

The Blind Spot

This article is for all those who have an issue in their lives that no matter how much time they spend trying to resolve just doesn’t seem to budge. It looks at how we can have a blind spot for a particular issue and what we can do about it.

An Example of Healing and the Blind Spot

This is an example of a blind spot in action and shows how using one of the methods suggested in the above article can be very helpful in resolving a stubborn issue.

The Importance of Basic Trust in Healing

This is another article especially for those who are struggling to heal a long term physical illness or behaviour pattern. It discusses the importance of healing issues related to trust when working on these long term challenges.

Healing with Hope by Andrea Chervenak

This article is the next in our new series of inspirational articles written by people who have found a path to healing after many years of struggling with physical illness and other aspects of life. In last month’s article Rebecca wrote of how discovering Focusing had made a big difference for her. This month Andrea emphasises the difference that focusing on trust and faith made for her.

If you would like to you can also read an article written by Jo on EFT & Gratitude on the Heal with Hope website.

Best wishes everyone,


Thursday, 2 October 2008

Newsletter October 2008

Hello everyone

We have four new articles on the Self Healing Portal this month:

A Healing Journey by Rebecca Baldwin

Rebecca has battled for many years with depression and major challenges with her weight and binge eating. She has searched for answers in many directions and for a long time feared that nothing would really shift things enough to be able to lead the joyful life she so desperately wanted but had trouble envisaging due to her challenges. In this article Rebecca shares with the Self Healing Portal readers a method that she has discovered that has helped her move towards peace and truly learning how to love herself. Many thanks to Rebecca for sharing this inspiring article.

Clearing Emotions to Expose the Point of View

This article details a powerful example of how emotions are generated from a point of view, and how we can use EFT to clear the emotions and then reframe the point of view. The article also details aspects of particular relevance to anyone with a highly sensitive temperament.

A Shift in Perspective

Most of us go through life taking on points of view as a result of the experiences we’ve had, then collecting evidence over the years that support our points of view. Healing requires us to allow the points of view to change as we clear the emotional trauma associated with the experiences that result in us taking on the beliefs and perspectives that we did. This article takes a look at this and how we can use tools to assist us with allowing the points of view to change.

Tips for Using the Movie Technique

The Movie Technique in EFT is an incredibly powerful one but at first glance some people seem to be put off it, either thinking that it’s too simple to work or too complicated to use! This tool is too good not to be in every DIY EFT’ers toolkit, so this article examines some of the common misunderstandings with the Movie Technique and gives some suggestions for dealing with it when it’s not working the way it should.

Very best wishes to all,

Self Healing Portal

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Newsletter September 2008

Hello everyone

Thanks to everyone who has sent feedback on the new free book You CAN Heal with EFT, it's been very much appreciated and great to hear that people are learning new ways of working with EFT and getting past blocks to using it. If you've downloaded it and haven't got around to reading it, the feedback coming through suggests it is worth the time, as there are quite a few ideas and different concepts that can really help us with our healing. Please continue to help get the word out and let anyone you know who might benefit from the book know that it's free to download from the Self Healing Portal. Thank you.

For those who have been finding the font hard to read on the new Self Healing Portal, I've had a friend help me and we've figured out the line spacing so it is hopefully now more readable. Unfortunately I still haven't been able to make the font bigger on this newsletter!

There is a great new resource on the net for anyone looking for someone else to do some EFT tapping with. Pat is a regular reader of the EFT Forums and read there that it can be very supportive to have someone else to tap with, either in person or by Skype/MSN or phone. When she couldn't find a way to easily connect with others looking for tapping buddies, she decided to set up a space online specifically for that purpose. There is nothing quite so isolating as feeling that we are all alone on our healing journey. A place to connect with others and find someone to share mutual support with is invaluable. Many thanks to Pat for taking this great initiative. You can find the new website at Please share this web address with anyone who you know who may benefit from it. Thank you.

This month we have four new articles on the portal:

The Dangers of Positive Thinking (a.k.a. Making friends with "negativity")

I know, we are all supposed to be thinking positive! However I've found over time that sometimes positive thinking is simply smearing a thin coat of pain over issues that are having far more influence in our lives than we realise, so this article explores how we can use tools like EFT & Focusing to overcome this.

A Powerful Method for Clearing Writing off the Walls

This details some powerful healing I did recently to clear a long term issue for myself. If you are looking for fresh ideas on how to break past long term issues, this article might be of real use to you.

Getting Past that Brick Wall

This article is an account of some healing done recently with the son of a friend of mine. It's a powerful example of how listening to what is going on inside us can be a huge catalyst in helping us to access how it is that we are really feeling. This case shows clearly how EFT and Focusing are really helpful used side by side.

More on Auto-Immune Illnesses

With the upsurge in allergies and environmental illnesses there is a real need for more understanding on how we end up with these illnesses and what we can do about them. This article gives an analogy that might help some to find a way through their journey with an auto-immune illness.

Very best wishes to all,


Self Healing Portal

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Newsletter 2008 August

Hello everyone

This month brings big changes for the Self Healing Portal. As a result of changes at Googlepages, who have hosted the portal for free, the website has had to be moved. You can now find the Self Healing Portal at As a result of the move the past newsletters will no longer be available, but the most important articles are still available, at the new website.

This month also brings the release of the new FREE book "You CAN Heal with EFT". This book is a great introduction to those new to EFT, and a very comprehensive look at using EFT for self healing. It has been written not only to cover the basics, but also to assist those who have been using EFT for some time who have been having difficulty getting past the blocks to clearing their issues.

The body of the book has been kept to less than 40 pages, with a lot of other information in the Appendices which help you learn more as you go, and is referred to throughout the book. You can read it on screen (taking advantage of full Adobe PDF functionality to navigate around the book) or you may choose to do what I have done and print the book and bind it to refer to as a reference over time.

In other news, if you are looking for a simple method to help you to deal with ongoing anxiety, a method called "Simple Energy Techniques, which is a simplified version of EFT might be of use to you. Dr David Lake and Steve Wells are well known EFT practitioners and trainers from Australia, who have come up with this technique by observing what happens when you miss certain parts of the EFT process out. They have agreed with Gary Craig that it will be known as SET, as it is in many ways different to EFT, although it is derived from use of EFT.

For anyone dealing with ongoing anxiety, there is an EFT Revealed interview with Steve Wells available for free download which is very interesting, and talks about how to use the SET method. You can download the audio free of charge from Alternatively, you can download Steve and David's free report about SET here.

Here's what someone who was recently introduced to SET had to say about it:

One thing I like to say is that I got a lot of help from that site you told me about - that anxiety tape and their concept of continuous tapping. I tap on my fingers quite a lot now at random times and I am much calmer. In fact wierdly more so than I have been from a year of more of practicing mediatition and breathing excersises.

So if you are looking for a simple way to deal with ongoing anxiety check out the information on SET, a very simple self help method that can work very rapidly and very effectively for some people.

Welcome to all the new folks who have joined the Self Healing Portal Newsletter recently. I hope that if proves to be a source of inspiration and information for you and for all of you who have been receiving the newsletter for some time.

Very best wishes to all,
