Thursday, 2 October 2008

Newsletter October 2008

Hello everyone

We have four new articles on the Self Healing Portal this month:

A Healing Journey by Rebecca Baldwin

Rebecca has battled for many years with depression and major challenges with her weight and binge eating. She has searched for answers in many directions and for a long time feared that nothing would really shift things enough to be able to lead the joyful life she so desperately wanted but had trouble envisaging due to her challenges. In this article Rebecca shares with the Self Healing Portal readers a method that she has discovered that has helped her move towards peace and truly learning how to love herself. Many thanks to Rebecca for sharing this inspiring article.

Clearing Emotions to Expose the Point of View

This article details a powerful example of how emotions are generated from a point of view, and how we can use EFT to clear the emotions and then reframe the point of view. The article also details aspects of particular relevance to anyone with a highly sensitive temperament.

A Shift in Perspective

Most of us go through life taking on points of view as a result of the experiences we’ve had, then collecting evidence over the years that support our points of view. Healing requires us to allow the points of view to change as we clear the emotional trauma associated with the experiences that result in us taking on the beliefs and perspectives that we did. This article takes a look at this and how we can use tools to assist us with allowing the points of view to change.

Tips for Using the Movie Technique

The Movie Technique in EFT is an incredibly powerful one but at first glance some people seem to be put off it, either thinking that it’s too simple to work or too complicated to use! This tool is too good not to be in every DIY EFT’ers toolkit, so this article examines some of the common misunderstandings with the Movie Technique and gives some suggestions for dealing with it when it’s not working the way it should.

Very best wishes to all,

Self Healing Portal