Saturday, 1 November 2008

Newsletter November 2008

Hello everyone

This month we have four new articles on the Self Healing Portal:

The Blind Spot

This article is for all those who have an issue in their lives that no matter how much time they spend trying to resolve just doesn’t seem to budge. It looks at how we can have a blind spot for a particular issue and what we can do about it.

An Example of Healing and the Blind Spot

This is an example of a blind spot in action and shows how using one of the methods suggested in the above article can be very helpful in resolving a stubborn issue.

The Importance of Basic Trust in Healing

This is another article especially for those who are struggling to heal a long term physical illness or behaviour pattern. It discusses the importance of healing issues related to trust when working on these long term challenges.

Healing with Hope by Andrea Chervenak

This article is the next in our new series of inspirational articles written by people who have found a path to healing after many years of struggling with physical illness and other aspects of life. In last month’s article Rebecca wrote of how discovering Focusing had made a big difference for her. This month Andrea emphasises the difference that focusing on trust and faith made for her.

If you would like to you can also read an article written by Jo on EFT & Gratitude on the Heal with Hope website.

Best wishes everyone,
