Monday, 16 February 2009

More great EFT resources

Hello everyone

There are so many wonderful resources available free online to help us to learn more about EFT these days that it is getting difficult to fit everything into the monthly Self Healing Portal newsletters without bombarding you with too much at once. So I’ve decided to periodically send out a mid month note with links to a couple of resources that I’ve found to be really helpful. If you are busy and finding it difficult to find the time to listen to resources like these, but serious about your healing, you might want to consider downloading these interviews onto an MP3 player and listening to them while walking or gardening or shovelling snow, or whatever it is that is keeping you busy!

The first link this month is to a fantastic interview of Rick Wilkes by Gary Williams of EFT World. Rick is not only a really good EFT coach but is also brilliant at helping to explain the really key concepts of EFT. Each time I listen to this interview I pick something else up, or hear a reminder that helps me to see how I could approach something differently. If you haven’t listened to this interview at least once, and you consider yourself to be serious about healing with EFT, I strongly recommend that you check it out. It runs for just under an hour and is absolutely packed with ideas and great ways of explaining how EFT works effectively. You can listen to or download the interview from here.

The second link is to a free teleclass by Betty Moore-Hafter which is another must listen to for anyone serious about using EFT. Betty generously combines her understanding of the subconscious with her love of language and her in depth understanding of people and EFT to help us to use language creatively with EFT. If you have any stubborn issues that just aren’t budging no matter how you approach them, this interview will give you loads of ideas on how you can bring empathy to those parts of you that are hurting and in doing so aid them to open up and let you know what you most need to address with your tapping. The teleclass comes supported by a brilliant free booklet that gives details of the different phrases Betty introduces in the class. The booklet has a really helpful summary at the end that you can use to glance at if you are tapping and getting stuck, it gives phrases you can use to really let those hurting parts know that you understand how they feel. I believe that the power of EFT lies largely in helping us to find ways to truly accept ourselves and Betty’s use of language has really helped me with this. It is so easy for us to say the standard setup phrase while rejecting the part of us driving unwanted behaviour or physical symptoms without even realising we are doing it. If we have a “stubborn” issue in our lives that just isn’t budging, it’s an indication that on some level we aren’t truly hearing a part of us that has something to say that we really need to hear. Betty’s teleclass can really help in cases like these. You can download the class free from Betty’s website – look for both the class and booklet “Creative Language with EFT”.

Until next time,


Sunday, 1 February 2009

Newsletter February 2009

Hello everyone

This month has seen some changes at the Self Healing Portal. What was shaping up to be a major frustration due to a crash and my limited computer skills has instead been taken as an opportunity for a revamp - as the number of articles climbs the portal Articles pages has become a bit unwieldy for new users, so the articles have now been categorised to make it easier to find your way around. The old articles have all been maintained with their existing links in order to keep the integrity of any links from outside sites coming into the Self Healing Portal, so hopefully no-one has experienced any frustration in finding older articles. They are all now also listed on the new tab called “Articles Index”.

We have five new articles this month, including two by guest writers:

EFT and the Power of Forgiveness by Pat Burns

In this continuation of our series of articles written by people who have discovered something that has been really key on their healing journey, Pat Burns shares the difference that forgiveness has made for her on her healing journey. Many thanks to Pat for this insightful article.

Tips from an EFT Self Helper by Chim

Anyone who has spent time on the EFT Forums over the last few months is likely to have come across a very enthusiastic poster by the name of Chim who has embraced EFT for self healing and loves to share what she has learnt with others. In this article Chim gives tips that she has gathered during her experience with EFT. Many thanks to Chim for enthusiastically sharing her learnings with us all.

Focusing as a way of Moving Forward

This article gives information and links about some free resources on the web that can really help us when we are stuck with healing a particular issue, whether or not we use the tool of Focusing. Whatever method you are using, you might find something useful in these wonderful resources.

Tips for using Matrix Reimprinting – A Powerful Method of Healing

This article is a follow up on our Introduction to Matrix Reimprinting article last month. It contains various tips to help you to really gain the benefit of this powerful tool in your own healing.

How can I know if I’m working with the right EFT practitioner for me?

This one has been written in response to several questions lately from people who are working with EFT practitioners and just aren’t sure whether to hang in with them even though things don’t seem to be budging, or find a new practitioner to work with. The questions in this article are designed to help you to find your own answer to this for yourself.

Very best wishes all,
