Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Newsletter September 2008

Hello everyone

Thanks to everyone who has sent feedback on the new free book You CAN Heal with EFT, it's been very much appreciated and great to hear that people are learning new ways of working with EFT and getting past blocks to using it. If you've downloaded it and haven't got around to reading it, the feedback coming through suggests it is worth the time, as there are quite a few ideas and different concepts that can really help us with our healing. Please continue to help get the word out and let anyone you know who might benefit from the book know that it's free to download from the Self Healing Portal. Thank you.

For those who have been finding the font hard to read on the new Self Healing Portal, I've had a friend help me and we've figured out the line spacing so it is hopefully now more readable. Unfortunately I still haven't been able to make the font bigger on this newsletter!

There is a great new resource on the net for anyone looking for someone else to do some EFT tapping with. Pat is a regular reader of the EFT Forums and read there that it can be very supportive to have someone else to tap with, either in person or by Skype/MSN or phone. When she couldn't find a way to easily connect with others looking for tapping buddies, she decided to set up a space online specifically for that purpose. There is nothing quite so isolating as feeling that we are all alone on our healing journey. A place to connect with others and find someone to share mutual support with is invaluable. Many thanks to Pat for taking this great initiative. You can find the new website at http://tappingbuddies.net/. Please share this web address with anyone who you know who may benefit from it. Thank you.

This month we have four new articles on the portal:

The Dangers of Positive Thinking (a.k.a. Making friends with "negativity")

I know, we are all supposed to be thinking positive! However I've found over time that sometimes positive thinking is simply smearing a thin coat of pain over issues that are having far more influence in our lives than we realise, so this article explores how we can use tools like EFT & Focusing to overcome this.

A Powerful Method for Clearing Writing off the Walls

This details some powerful healing I did recently to clear a long term issue for myself. If you are looking for fresh ideas on how to break past long term issues, this article might be of real use to you.

Getting Past that Brick Wall

This article is an account of some healing done recently with the son of a friend of mine. It's a powerful example of how listening to what is going on inside us can be a huge catalyst in helping us to access how it is that we are really feeling. This case shows clearly how EFT and Focusing are really helpful used side by side.

More on Auto-Immune Illnesses

With the upsurge in allergies and environmental illnesses there is a real need for more understanding on how we end up with these illnesses and what we can do about them. This article gives an analogy that might help some to find a way through their journey with an auto-immune illness.

Very best wishes to all,


Self Healing Portal