Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Some resources to check out

Hello everyone

There are just so many wonderful free resources on the web that it’s difficult to keep up with them all. Here are three resources that might be of interest to you:

Focusing into Sleep

Sleep is a really big issue for many people and many are looking for solutions that don’t come in a bottle. Susan Rudnick and Robin Kappy are Focusing Partners and Focusing Oriented psychotherapists so when they teamed up to create resources to help people with sleeping difficulties, they brought with them a lot of experience and different methods. In this article in a past issue of the Focusing Connection (from on their website) they give ideas on how we can use simple focusing approaches to drift into sleep when it seems to be eluding us.

Integrating EFT into your daily routine

Gene Monterastelli has started doing some podcast sessions and the first one is packed with ideas to help you to integrate EFT into your daily routine. The podcast starts with a 6 step method to using EFT more regularly in your life and then Gene interviews Rick Wilkes. Rick is a great practitioner and speaker and in this interview he shares some wonderful ideas on how to go about our healing. For anyone wanting to integrate EFT into their lives, listening to this podcast will be time well spent.

The Science Behind Matrix Reimprinting

In this article, Matrix Reimprinting founder Karl Dawson lays out the science and concepts behind Matrix Reimprinting. For anyone using Matrix Reimprinting or contemplating using it, this article gives a lot of food for thought. (This link comes with thanks to Karen Nauman who so generously shares lots of resources with us all on the EFT Forums. :0) )

Until next time,

Self Healing Portal

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Newsletter March 2009

Hello everyone

This month we have four new articles on the Self Healing Portal:

Tips on using EFT to heal chronic anxiety (or other stubborn issues)

This article was written as a summary to help the many people coming to the EFT forums looking for answers as to why EFT doesn’t seem to be effective for them. While the article talks specifically to those with chronic anxiety, many of the concepts in the article are just as applicable to any chronic issue that doesn’t seem to be responding to EFT.

When Listening is not Enough

I’ve written a lot about the need to build our listening skills and truly listen to the hurting parts inside of ourselves. Recently I had an experience which taught me that sometimes just listening isn’t enough, because the part of us we are listening to doesn’t feel ready to talk until they’ve heard the words they need to hear for them to know that we really do care. This article shows how powerful some phrases are to unlock the hurting parts inside us.

Our inner committee

It might seem crazy to some readers that we could consider ourselves to be like a committee, but I’ve found this to be a really interesting metaphor with my healing. This article explores this metaphor to help us better understanding this aspect of our healing process.

If you are serious about DIY EFT

Anyone who has been a Self Healing Portal reader for some time, or has read the free e-book “You CAN Heal with EFT”, will know that I am a big advocate of self healing. Just like with any type of DIY, the more we want to do, the more skills and knowledge we need to have, so here I introduce some resources I have recently come across that really help take self healing to a new level.

For any readers who are interested in the Focusing method:

I have discovered a great article on Focusing without a Focusing Partner on the internet. While I love having a Focusing Partnership and very much benefit from it, I am always looking for ways to more effectively focus on my own in between sessions with my Partner. This article by Kay Hoffmann looks at this subject in depth. You can read the article at

Please also note that if there is anyone who has done a training course in Focusing who wants a Focusing Partner but currently doesn’t have one, I know of a woman in the UK looking for a Focusing Partner. If you would like to connect with her, please drop me an email at Thanks.

Very best wishes all,
