Saturday, 1 August 2009

Newsletter August 2009

Newsletter August 2009

Hello everyone

This is just a quick note to let all our readers know that the Self Healing Portal is taking a break from publishing newsletters over the next few months. There are now so many articles on the portal that it’s getting hard to navigate around! Perhaps you might like to take this time to review some of the older articles which contain a wealth of ideas and information about taking your healing into your own hands.

Remember that if you have any questions about EFT, the EFT Forums are a great place to get some support and more ideas for tapping, and if you want to try working with someone else with EFT but can’t afford to work with a practitioner, you could sign up for a Tapping Buddy and support each other.

If you want to learn more about Focusing, I seriously recommend getting in touch with Suzanne at – Suzanne teaches a great style of Focusing at really good rates, and after you’ve learnt with her you can have free support in the form of a Focusing Partnership, something that I really value in my own life.

Very best wishes everyone,


Wednesday, 1 July 2009

July 2009 Newsletter

Hello everyone

If you would like to print or read this newsletter offline, please click here. To read the newsletter in it’s entirety on one online webpage, click here.

This month we have four new articles on the Self Healing Portal:

The difference between visualisation and imagery

This article details the difference between visualisation and imagery and discusses why it’s important not to assume that you can’t utilise imagery with your healing just because you believe you can’t visualise. Imagery is such a powerful resource with our healing so it is good if we can all feel comfortable using it.

Cartoon EFT

I’ve recently been experimenting with a way of EFT that seems to work very well for all sorts of issues. This article introduces the idea of “Cartoon EFT” and gives several suggestions for when you can use it and gives tips on how to use it.

Domain Focusing

This article explores what Domain Focusing is all about and discusses some of the benefits of using this style of Focusing.

Book Review: Embracing Your Inner Critic

This short review of Hal and Sidra Stones’ book details how useful it can be for anyone doing any sort of healing, and links to one chapter of the book that you can read on the net free of charge.

Best wishes everyone,


Monday, 1 June 2009

Newsletter June 2009

Hello everyone

If you would like to print or read this newsletter offline, please click here. Alternately if you’d like to read through all the articles on one page online, you can click here.

This month we have four new articles on the Self Healing Portal:

A Healing Team

This article takes a look at the benefits of involving others in our healing. It is based on my own experience of discovering that I have built a healing team around me, and offers insight into how powerful this can be.

Trusting Ourselves

This article by guest writer Noreen Barron looks at some of the factors that might be contributing to our difficulty involving others in our healing. Many thanks to Noreen for sharing this excellent article with us – trusting ourselves is the foundation of our ability to trust others and something that most of us can benefit from spending time on.

The Truth Is…

This is a phrase that I recently learnt and have used extensively to great benefit in my EFT tapping. This article is also a good example of the power of doing healing with our inner child/younger selves.

Healing Your Relationship with Time

I recently had the opportunity to listen to a fabulous free teleclass by Betty Moore-Hafter and it had so much impact on me I wanted to share this resource with others. Betty will be running this free class again this month so check out the article and consider signing up for her class if you have any challenges with time. Don’t make the mistake I originally did and think you don’t have enough time to attend the class!!!

Very best wishes everyone,


Friday, 1 May 2009

Newsletter May 2009

Hello everyone

Note that this month we have changed the layout of this newsletter to make it easier to read. You now have three options for reading it:

1. To read the newsletter offline or print it click here. Note that the print version is for printing or offline reading only and does not have active links in it.

2. To see the whole newsletter on one webpage, where you can scroll down to read through all the articles sequentially, or click on the heading of the article to jump to a specific one click here.

3. As in the past you can simply click on the headings of the newsletter articles in this email to go directly to each article.

This month’s newsletter has a real focus on inner child healing. I know that there are many people who feel uncomfortable with the idea of talking with the voice of an inner child in our head, but as I and many others have found, it’s an incredibly powerful way of healing. Here’s something Jef Shockley recently wrote on the EFT Forums about how effective inner child healing has been for him:

There was a link posted in one of the other forums that lead to inner child work and it has proven to be a gold mine for me. Things that I've carried around my whole life, and never understood why, are coming into focus and resolving faster now than at any other time since I've been using EFT. My poor inner child was a basket case when I first started, but I'm happy to report that he's coming along and healing quite nicely :O)

Jef wrote to me that he has never resolved so many things in such a short time and that it absolutely blows him away. He believes that everyone should start with the child first and watch as behaviours and traits vanish before their eyes.

Here are the articles for the month:

Self help Inner Child healing tips by Chim

Chim is a very dedicated self helper who has been using EFT for a while now. Like many people when she initially heard about the concept of talking to inner children or inner parts, she was a little put off. In this article Chim writes about what happened when she started to use inner child healing, and she gives some great tips on how to get started and some of the really important guidelines to bear in mind. Many thanks to Chim for generously sharing her experience and what she has learnt along the way.

Inner Child Healing with EFT - Taking Care of Your Young Self by Betty Moore-Hafter

In this article long time EFT practitioner Betty Moore-Hafter shares insight into how healing it can be to be in touch with the hurting younger parts inside us. Betty writes about the key things she has found make a big difference to inner child healing. Many thanks to Betty for taking the time to share her thoughts on inner child healing with us.

Holding a healing space

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the methods and different approaches to healing and lose sight of the power of the most simple concepts. This short article gives idea on how we can let go of needing to fix everything and simply discover the power from truly listening to the hurting parts inside us.

Dialoguing with your Inner Child

Some people hear about the concept of talking with their inner child but feel it just won’t be possible for them. This article shows an example of how this sort of healing can unfold and gives some simple tips on how you can access those hurting younger selves inside you that need to be heard.

When we don’t have time for healing (“Not now, I’m too busy!”)

This article discusses a recent experience I had that really taught me the power of taking the time to stop and acknowledge how a hurting part inside is feeling. This experience taught me that thinking that I’m too busy to address issues when they arise is seriously damaging my relationship with the hurting parts inside, and how it only takes a few moments to acknowledge what is hurting inside.

Who inside got triggered?

This article is a write up of a recent session that I did, designed to give some insight into how powerful this sort of approach to our healing can be. I know that some people are quite uncomfortable with the idea of inner child healing, so this article has also been written with the intention of demonstrating how this work is a simple and powerful way to uncover specific events to tap on.

Best wishes everyone,


Tuesday, 14 April 2009

More free EFT resources

Hello everyone

I have recently come across an excellent free EFT resource which I highly recommend anyone serious about healing take a look at. EFT practitioner Marian Mills has written a fabulous book which is available free of charge from her home page. “Feeling Bad About Yourself… And What You Can Do About It” is absolutely packed with great information, tapping sequences and links to lots more resources to inspire you on your healing journey. If you have any challenges in your life around feeling bad about yourself, battling with an inner critical voice, or you are just plain feeling stuck and not sure what to do about it, I highly recommend downloading, printing and binding this book to use as an ongoing reference. With all the information and ideas for tapping it is a great resource for anyone working on their own – sometimes it’s just too difficult to decide what to work on next and this book is an ideal resource to help you to get started and do some tapping and start feeling better. It also provides a brilliant resource for anyone who is working with a practitioner who wants to tap in between sessions and really get the most benefit out of their EFT time.

For more thoughts about self esteem and how we can use EFT to help improve our self esteem, there is also an interesting 17 minute video on Youtube by Robert Smith that you might like to check out.

Until next time,


Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Newsletter April 2009

Hello everyone

This month we have four new articles on the Self Healing Portal – an example of the Focusing Method in action, an example of the power of using imagery with our healing, a link to a great new article with lots of tapping statement ideas, and a brief article introducing yet another great free resource available on the internet.

Example Focusing Session

The method of Focusing is difficult to describe to someone who hasn’t experienced it, because it’s very much an experience rather than a process. This article is a write up of a Focusing experience I had to give an insight into how a Focusing session can unfold.

Accessing the Subconscious with EFT and Imagery

This article shows how powerful using imagery to get in touch with the subconscious is. The old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” holds just as true for the healing process as anything else. When we are able to listen to our subconscious through it’s language of imagery, things are really able to open up in our lives.

36 EFT Affirmations - Improve Your Tapping Results with these ‘Best Ever’ EFT Statements!

EFT practitioner Karen Nauman has posted a great new page on her website that I highly recommend you bookmark so you can go back to it time and time again. Karen has brought together 36 great phrases that you can use in the place of the standard setup statement, and she has grouped them into three different categories which can really help when we are feeling stuck on an issue and just not knowing which is the most effective way to proceed. The page is going to be updated regularly with new phrases that Karen discovers and learns, so it will prove to be a fabulous resource for any of use using EFT to heal.

Inner Child Healing and the Five Stages of Grief

This brief article introduces a series of short videos that EFT practitioner Cathryn Taylor has posted on Youtube. These videos bring together Cathryn’s approach with Inner Child Healing, Addictions work, and EFT, together with Elisabeth Kubler Ross’ Five Stages of Grief Model to give us a powerful framework for our healing.

Very best wishes all,

Self Healing Portal

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Some resources to check out

Hello everyone

There are just so many wonderful free resources on the web that it’s difficult to keep up with them all. Here are three resources that might be of interest to you:

Focusing into Sleep

Sleep is a really big issue for many people and many are looking for solutions that don’t come in a bottle. Susan Rudnick and Robin Kappy are Focusing Partners and Focusing Oriented psychotherapists so when they teamed up to create resources to help people with sleeping difficulties, they brought with them a lot of experience and different methods. In this article in a past issue of the Focusing Connection (from on their website) they give ideas on how we can use simple focusing approaches to drift into sleep when it seems to be eluding us.

Integrating EFT into your daily routine

Gene Monterastelli has started doing some podcast sessions and the first one is packed with ideas to help you to integrate EFT into your daily routine. The podcast starts with a 6 step method to using EFT more regularly in your life and then Gene interviews Rick Wilkes. Rick is a great practitioner and speaker and in this interview he shares some wonderful ideas on how to go about our healing. For anyone wanting to integrate EFT into their lives, listening to this podcast will be time well spent.

The Science Behind Matrix Reimprinting

In this article, Matrix Reimprinting founder Karl Dawson lays out the science and concepts behind Matrix Reimprinting. For anyone using Matrix Reimprinting or contemplating using it, this article gives a lot of food for thought. (This link comes with thanks to Karen Nauman who so generously shares lots of resources with us all on the EFT Forums. :0) )

Until next time,

Self Healing Portal

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Newsletter March 2009

Hello everyone

This month we have four new articles on the Self Healing Portal:

Tips on using EFT to heal chronic anxiety (or other stubborn issues)

This article was written as a summary to help the many people coming to the EFT forums looking for answers as to why EFT doesn’t seem to be effective for them. While the article talks specifically to those with chronic anxiety, many of the concepts in the article are just as applicable to any chronic issue that doesn’t seem to be responding to EFT.

When Listening is not Enough

I’ve written a lot about the need to build our listening skills and truly listen to the hurting parts inside of ourselves. Recently I had an experience which taught me that sometimes just listening isn’t enough, because the part of us we are listening to doesn’t feel ready to talk until they’ve heard the words they need to hear for them to know that we really do care. This article shows how powerful some phrases are to unlock the hurting parts inside us.

Our inner committee

It might seem crazy to some readers that we could consider ourselves to be like a committee, but I’ve found this to be a really interesting metaphor with my healing. This article explores this metaphor to help us better understanding this aspect of our healing process.

If you are serious about DIY EFT

Anyone who has been a Self Healing Portal reader for some time, or has read the free e-book “You CAN Heal with EFT”, will know that I am a big advocate of self healing. Just like with any type of DIY, the more we want to do, the more skills and knowledge we need to have, so here I introduce some resources I have recently come across that really help take self healing to a new level.

For any readers who are interested in the Focusing method:

I have discovered a great article on Focusing without a Focusing Partner on the internet. While I love having a Focusing Partnership and very much benefit from it, I am always looking for ways to more effectively focus on my own in between sessions with my Partner. This article by Kay Hoffmann looks at this subject in depth. You can read the article at

Please also note that if there is anyone who has done a training course in Focusing who wants a Focusing Partner but currently doesn’t have one, I know of a woman in the UK looking for a Focusing Partner. If you would like to connect with her, please drop me an email at Thanks.

Very best wishes all,


Monday, 16 February 2009

More great EFT resources

Hello everyone

There are so many wonderful resources available free online to help us to learn more about EFT these days that it is getting difficult to fit everything into the monthly Self Healing Portal newsletters without bombarding you with too much at once. So I’ve decided to periodically send out a mid month note with links to a couple of resources that I’ve found to be really helpful. If you are busy and finding it difficult to find the time to listen to resources like these, but serious about your healing, you might want to consider downloading these interviews onto an MP3 player and listening to them while walking or gardening or shovelling snow, or whatever it is that is keeping you busy!

The first link this month is to a fantastic interview of Rick Wilkes by Gary Williams of EFT World. Rick is not only a really good EFT coach but is also brilliant at helping to explain the really key concepts of EFT. Each time I listen to this interview I pick something else up, or hear a reminder that helps me to see how I could approach something differently. If you haven’t listened to this interview at least once, and you consider yourself to be serious about healing with EFT, I strongly recommend that you check it out. It runs for just under an hour and is absolutely packed with ideas and great ways of explaining how EFT works effectively. You can listen to or download the interview from here.

The second link is to a free teleclass by Betty Moore-Hafter which is another must listen to for anyone serious about using EFT. Betty generously combines her understanding of the subconscious with her love of language and her in depth understanding of people and EFT to help us to use language creatively with EFT. If you have any stubborn issues that just aren’t budging no matter how you approach them, this interview will give you loads of ideas on how you can bring empathy to those parts of you that are hurting and in doing so aid them to open up and let you know what you most need to address with your tapping. The teleclass comes supported by a brilliant free booklet that gives details of the different phrases Betty introduces in the class. The booklet has a really helpful summary at the end that you can use to glance at if you are tapping and getting stuck, it gives phrases you can use to really let those hurting parts know that you understand how they feel. I believe that the power of EFT lies largely in helping us to find ways to truly accept ourselves and Betty’s use of language has really helped me with this. It is so easy for us to say the standard setup phrase while rejecting the part of us driving unwanted behaviour or physical symptoms without even realising we are doing it. If we have a “stubborn” issue in our lives that just isn’t budging, it’s an indication that on some level we aren’t truly hearing a part of us that has something to say that we really need to hear. Betty’s teleclass can really help in cases like these. You can download the class free from Betty’s website – look for both the class and booklet “Creative Language with EFT”.

Until next time,


Sunday, 1 February 2009

Newsletter February 2009

Hello everyone

This month has seen some changes at the Self Healing Portal. What was shaping up to be a major frustration due to a crash and my limited computer skills has instead been taken as an opportunity for a revamp - as the number of articles climbs the portal Articles pages has become a bit unwieldy for new users, so the articles have now been categorised to make it easier to find your way around. The old articles have all been maintained with their existing links in order to keep the integrity of any links from outside sites coming into the Self Healing Portal, so hopefully no-one has experienced any frustration in finding older articles. They are all now also listed on the new tab called “Articles Index”.

We have five new articles this month, including two by guest writers:

EFT and the Power of Forgiveness by Pat Burns

In this continuation of our series of articles written by people who have discovered something that has been really key on their healing journey, Pat Burns shares the difference that forgiveness has made for her on her healing journey. Many thanks to Pat for this insightful article.

Tips from an EFT Self Helper by Chim

Anyone who has spent time on the EFT Forums over the last few months is likely to have come across a very enthusiastic poster by the name of Chim who has embraced EFT for self healing and loves to share what she has learnt with others. In this article Chim gives tips that she has gathered during her experience with EFT. Many thanks to Chim for enthusiastically sharing her learnings with us all.

Focusing as a way of Moving Forward

This article gives information and links about some free resources on the web that can really help us when we are stuck with healing a particular issue, whether or not we use the tool of Focusing. Whatever method you are using, you might find something useful in these wonderful resources.

Tips for using Matrix Reimprinting – A Powerful Method of Healing

This article is a follow up on our Introduction to Matrix Reimprinting article last month. It contains various tips to help you to really gain the benefit of this powerful tool in your own healing.

How can I know if I’m working with the right EFT practitioner for me?

This one has been written in response to several questions lately from people who are working with EFT practitioners and just aren’t sure whether to hang in with them even though things don’t seem to be budging, or find a new practitioner to work with. The questions in this article are designed to help you to find your own answer to this for yourself.

Very best wishes all,


Saturday, 3 January 2009

Newsletter January 2009

Hello everyone

We have five new articles on the Self Healing Portal this month. Please note that if you want to print any of the articles, you will need to copy and paste them to MS Word (or equivalent) to print as I still haven’t had the chance to resolve the printing issue. Please also bear with me with a few gremlins – the New Year is challenging my limited computer skills and I’ve had to do some strange workarounds to get this month’s newsletter out!

Here’s our new articles, hopefully there will be something of interest to each of you:

What will be gained when I take care of myself? By Rebecca Baldwin

This article by Rebecca is a very inspiring way to start the year – a look at just what is to be gained when we do our healing. If you are looking for motivation on your self healing journey, or would like to reflect on just how important it is to do our healing, this article will be of interest to you.

Trauma and EFT by Marian Mills

EFT Practitioner Marian Mills kindly shares some information that could be of interest and use to you if you are working through any trauma (big or little) with EFT. Marian explains how most of us have some trauma in our history and how important it is to deal with it.

The Importance of Support in Healing By Gillian Wightman

This article is a continuation of our guest articles written by people who have found something that has made a big difference in their own healing journey. Gill shares how the support of others has made a huge difference for her in her own healing process. This article gives a great example of what Marian talks about regarding the need for support to clear trauma in her article above.

Fear originating from Birth Trauma

This article is a good example of how our behaviour in present time can be driven by unresolved birth trauma that we are unaware of. It gives insight into why it can be very important to clear our early traumas and also supports the message in Marian’s article above.

Introduction to Matrix Reimprinting

This short article gives links to information available free on the internet to help you to learn a wonderful new way of working with EFT. In future editions of this newsletter we will have examples of how to work with this powerful method of healing.

Happy New Year everyone. Here’s to a year of joy and fun and laughter and growth and healing for all of us.

Very best wishes,

Jo Hainsworth