Friday, 1 May 2009

Newsletter May 2009

Hello everyone

Note that this month we have changed the layout of this newsletter to make it easier to read. You now have three options for reading it:

1. To read the newsletter offline or print it click here. Note that the print version is for printing or offline reading only and does not have active links in it.

2. To see the whole newsletter on one webpage, where you can scroll down to read through all the articles sequentially, or click on the heading of the article to jump to a specific one click here.

3. As in the past you can simply click on the headings of the newsletter articles in this email to go directly to each article.

This month’s newsletter has a real focus on inner child healing. I know that there are many people who feel uncomfortable with the idea of talking with the voice of an inner child in our head, but as I and many others have found, it’s an incredibly powerful way of healing. Here’s something Jef Shockley recently wrote on the EFT Forums about how effective inner child healing has been for him:

There was a link posted in one of the other forums that lead to inner child work and it has proven to be a gold mine for me. Things that I've carried around my whole life, and never understood why, are coming into focus and resolving faster now than at any other time since I've been using EFT. My poor inner child was a basket case when I first started, but I'm happy to report that he's coming along and healing quite nicely :O)

Jef wrote to me that he has never resolved so many things in such a short time and that it absolutely blows him away. He believes that everyone should start with the child first and watch as behaviours and traits vanish before their eyes.

Here are the articles for the month:

Self help Inner Child healing tips by Chim

Chim is a very dedicated self helper who has been using EFT for a while now. Like many people when she initially heard about the concept of talking to inner children or inner parts, she was a little put off. In this article Chim writes about what happened when she started to use inner child healing, and she gives some great tips on how to get started and some of the really important guidelines to bear in mind. Many thanks to Chim for generously sharing her experience and what she has learnt along the way.

Inner Child Healing with EFT - Taking Care of Your Young Self by Betty Moore-Hafter

In this article long time EFT practitioner Betty Moore-Hafter shares insight into how healing it can be to be in touch with the hurting younger parts inside us. Betty writes about the key things she has found make a big difference to inner child healing. Many thanks to Betty for taking the time to share her thoughts on inner child healing with us.

Holding a healing space

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the methods and different approaches to healing and lose sight of the power of the most simple concepts. This short article gives idea on how we can let go of needing to fix everything and simply discover the power from truly listening to the hurting parts inside us.

Dialoguing with your Inner Child

Some people hear about the concept of talking with their inner child but feel it just won’t be possible for them. This article shows an example of how this sort of healing can unfold and gives some simple tips on how you can access those hurting younger selves inside you that need to be heard.

When we don’t have time for healing (“Not now, I’m too busy!”)

This article discusses a recent experience I had that really taught me the power of taking the time to stop and acknowledge how a hurting part inside is feeling. This experience taught me that thinking that I’m too busy to address issues when they arise is seriously damaging my relationship with the hurting parts inside, and how it only takes a few moments to acknowledge what is hurting inside.

Who inside got triggered?

This article is a write up of a recent session that I did, designed to give some insight into how powerful this sort of approach to our healing can be. I know that some people are quite uncomfortable with the idea of inner child healing, so this article has also been written with the intention of demonstrating how this work is a simple and powerful way to uncover specific events to tap on.

Best wishes everyone,
